Calculate spot size by using beam diameter, lens focal length and beam quality values.
Calculates peak power by average power, pulse width and repetition rate of laser.
Convert decibel (dB) to percentage (%) or % to dB
Calculate incident index and refracted index of a medium and incident and refracted angle of a beam.
Use core diameter, numerical aperture and wavelength values of your laser to calculate mode field diameter.
Convert frequency to wavelength or wavelength to frequency easily.
Calculate V-number/parameter of optical fiber to determine either it is single or multi-mode
Convert wavenumber (cm¯1) to wavelength (nm).
Convert angstorm to nanometer calculator
Calculate photon energy in eV or Joules based on vacuum wavelength or frequency of light.
Calculate the reflectivity and transmissivity of light as it passes through the interface between two media.
Calculate the numerical aperture (NA) of a fiber from its core and clad refractive indexes.
Convert dBm to Watts or miliwatts
Calculate Brewster’s Angle
Convert wavelength (nm) to wavenumber (cm¯1)