dBm to Watts Conversion Calculator

Power: N/A

How it works?

<h2>How dBm to Watt Conversion Calculator Works</h2>

The dBm to Watt Calculator converts power levels from decibels referenced to 1 milliwatt (dBm) into watts (W) or milliwatts (mW). This conversion is useful in telecommunications, electronics, and photonics applications where power levels are often specified in dBm but need to be understood in terms of actual power output in watts or milliwatts.

  • dBm Value: The input value in dBm represents the power level in decibels, referenced to 1 milliwatt. For example, 0 dBm equals 1 milliwatt, while 10 dBm equals 10 milliwatts.

The conversion from dBm to watts is based on the following equation:

$$ P_{\text{watts}} = 10^{\left( \frac{P_{\text{dBm}}}{10} \right)} / 1000 $$


  • \( P_{\text{dBm}} \): The power level in dBm.
  • \( P_{\text{watts}} \): The equivalent power in watts.

In cases where the output power is less than 100 mW, the calculator will provide the result in milliwatts (mW) for easier readability. The formula to convert from dBm to milliwatts is:

$$ P_{\text{mW}} = 10^{\left( \frac{P_{\text{dBm}}}{10} \right)} $$

Using these formulas, the calculator instantly converts any dBm value you enter into its equivalent power in watts or milliwatts

By entering a dBm value, this calculator provides you with an accurate measurement of power in either watts or milliwatts, making it easier to understand power levels for your specific application.