Decibel to percentage converter

Choose dB or % from the dropdown menu to convert between the two. The calculator will convert it as soon as you enter the data.

Decibel to percentage calculator - dB to percentage

How it works?


1. Converting dB to %
The power level \( x \) in dB is converted to a linear scale using the formula: \[ k = 10^{\frac{x}{10}} \] To convert this linear scale to a percentage, it is multiplied by 100: \[ \% = 100 \cdot k \] Therefore, the percentage \( \% \) can be calculated as \( 100 \cdot 10^{\frac{x}{10}} \).
2. Converting % to dB
Given a percentage \( \% \), it can be converted back to dB using the formula: \[ x = 10 \cdot \log_{10} \left( \frac{\%}{100} \right) \] Here, \( x \) represents the dB value corresponding to the given percentage \( \% \).

Read our article  for more information about conversion between dB and percentage.